Raising Kids Positively | Children's self-esteem game | Parenting book | Parenting Programs - Psychologist

helping everyone raise happy, expressive and confident kids

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Developing your child’s natural potential

Raising Kids Positively is passionate about developing every child’s natural potential - through psychologically sound and innovative products : an unique children’s self-esteem game, a parenting workbook and a variety of training workshops.

Training workshops

Training workshops

Carol Surya is a child psychologist who provides a variety of training workshops to enable parents to develop their child’s natural potential using psychologically...

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ParentMagic Book

ParentMagic Book

Want to raise happy,expressive and confident kids? Need to understand, appreciate and help them deal with their emotions? Tired of constantly nagging or threatening to...

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InnerMagic Game

InnerMagic Game

Want to have fun and share meaningful time getting closer to your kids? Are you looking for ways to get them moving, thinking and speaking more freely? Do you yearn to...

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What people say

The game is awesome! I’m currently using it with a young lady who was very much a reluctant client before I started using your game.

This game will uncontentiously help the children to start the journey of spiritual, mental and physical healing. Will surely be used.

The experience was amazing. As a new social worker (3 months in the profession) and aspiring therapist, it was really informative in tuning into the feelings of the children we are working with.

It is refreshing to see material produced for the SA context. Innermagic is a fun tool that will definitely not sit in a box.

I really believe this game can be used with teens too and I am very excited to start using the game.

Looking forward to using this tool – it will DEFINITELY be helpful in my therapy practice.  I also enjoyed the practical parental guidance tips.  Your passion, creativity and deep respect for child therapy shines through.

I really found this an amazing tool to use with kids to voice themselves and to connect with themselves.

It is inspiring to see how you had a vision and believed in it and created such an amazing game and tool that will touch so many children, families and facilitators.

Thank you very much for all the effort you’ve put into developing this game.  I am excited to start using it in my practice.  The book is GREAT – thank you!  I’ve discovered new tools to use with traumatized children.  Your passion is tangible and contagious.

  • The game is awesome!
  • Start the journey of healing
  • Amazing experience
  • Refreshing material
  • I absolutely love this idea!
  • Practical parental guidance tips
  • Helps kids to voice themselves
  • An amazing tool
  • Your passion is tangible and contagious