More about Raising Kids Positively
Looking for ways to improve your relationship with your children, grow their emotional intelligence, and learn how to discipline with heart? Look no further. Author, game developer and psychologist Carol Surya has created a range of tools just for you. Her exciting new website offers busy parents a digital platform to learn compassionate, common sense ideas to fully support you in transforming your way of parenting.
Visiting www.raisingkidspositively you’ll find three great avenues all aimed to develop your child’s natural potential – an unique children’s self-esteem game, a parenting workbook and a variety of training workshops.
The children’s self-esteem game came from a personal turning point in her life, when Carol volunteered to assist with tsunami survivors in Indonesia after the December 2004 disaster. She dreamt of creating a game “like Monopoly for feelings” which could empower children all over the world. She then left her comfort zone in 2006 to work as the Psychology Clinic Manager on board a mobile health care train across rural South Africa, and then traveled globally, totally convinced that her game could help families from all walks of life. Over the next eight years, she dedicated herself to refining and patenting the game (first released in 2012).
For families, the game gives you a reason to stop what you’re doing and spend more meaningful and fun quality time together, without any devices or distractions. It gives parents an incredible window into their children’s inner world. Recently upgraded to include important cyber safety and technology issues, this newly released version is simply stunning. It’s a game that teaches emotional intelligence and critical thinking that makes learning fun!
Kids love InnerMagic® because it’s filled with choices, which makes them feel important and effortlessly encourages decision making in the rest of their lives. Cleverly designed for self-expression and strengthening all areas of development, the game magically encourages children to talk more easily during (and after) playing. When a child feels important, and can express themselves their self-esteem soars. Over time, they learn to manage their feelings better, think more about their actions and make healthy choices. Aimed for ages 5 to 13 year olds (and a parent, relative or therapist), it’s all about reminding us of the magic potential we all have inside.
To further help parents understand and manage today’s amazing kids, Carol has written two books. The first, Great Kids – strengthening their natural potential (2012) is a summary of all she’s learnt professionally working with children over the last twenty years, while her recently released book, ParentMagic – raising kids positively (2016) is a completely updated positive parenting guide, written in a far more user-friendly and interactive style, complete with “Take Home points” and “Homework” suggestions at the end of each chapter. It’s an incredible workbook for totally transforming your parent-child relationship and learning to discipline with heart.
Completely committed to spreading her simple, yet magical message and tools, Carol presents training workshops and talks all over the world. Her audiences love her passion and inspirational ways of bringing across information. Her easy-to-understand, engaging and uniquely creative style allows participants to relax and enjoy their learning experience, leaving feeling empowered and inspired to make a difference in children’s lives.
Embracing the digital age, Carol’s very active Facebook page RaisingKidsPositively attracts parents who are keen to learn easy feel-good parenting strategies, be inspired or ask questions each month at her free Facebook #PositiveParentMeetup sessions. The website’s short YouTube video clips helps busy parents see what it’s all about, while the Tips page offers blog articles and top tips for parenting. If you miss any of this on your feed, remember to sign-up to our newsletter to get a review on what’s been happening. On the shop page you can also buy the game and book online via credit card, and follow the links to many other conscious parenting products.