Posts Tagged "Children"

Understanding your child’s behaviour and responding positively Ever wish you could be inside your child’s head for a moment to figure out what’s making them do what they do? Tired of getting the shrug of shoulders when you ask them why they did something? By understanding that children live in a world of feelings (without easily expressing feelings in words), and are showing us their feelings through their actions, our whole...

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Video : Why kids misbehave

Posted By on May 29, 2017

Video: #TuesdayTip on why kids misbehave Watch Carol explain why kids misbehave – and how their behavior is simply the tip of the iceberg.  Beneath every behaviour is a need. And underneath each need is a feeling and/or belief.  When children need attention they will look for it in healthy ways unless they are not getting that need met.  When this happens they turn to unhealthy/negative ways to get their need for attention met....

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Video : how to help kids release ‘negative’ feelings Watch Carol’s Tuesday tip on how to help children release ‘negative’ feelings.  By understanding that children feel their emotions intensely, and that feelings are like waves that build until they crash, psychologist Carol Surya gives ideas on how to help your child let go of ‘negative’ feelings. For children, feelings can change from one...

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Your child’s feeling world

Your child’s feeling world

Posted By on May 24, 2017

For kids it’s all about feelings Noticed how four year olds can have a melt down in a few seconds? Children’s feelings can range from being totally happy the one moment, to tears of frustration and utter despair the next. Sometimes our kids seem impossible to understand! This is because for children, less is said in words, and more is said through behaviour (i.e. body language). So to really understand them, we need to look at...

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Click here to read this month’s newsletter to discover more about the Power of Play, and top tips for playing with your kids.  There are also links to our YouTube channel with tips on play, as well as events, deals and words from our very happy JoziKids competition winner.    ...

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