Posts Tagged "speaking positively"

Video : Responsibility Carol talks about responsibility and how the word literally means the ‘ability’ to ‘respond’, and that by encouraging children by giving them plenty of choices and consequences, they can easily learn to become responsible. “I like to break the word into two, to remind myself that responsibility really is about our ability to respond.  As parents, we’d like our children to have...

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What you say & how you say it

What you say & how you say it

Posted By on May 4, 2017

What you say and how you say it – our words really effect children Your words, (and how you say them), are being absorbed by your kids all the time. Neuroscientist, Louis Cozolino, tells us that the amygdala (that part of our brain that is activated in fear situations) pays special attention to anger signals, while positive, warm encouragement increases serotonin (a feel-good hormone). This means that simply through words (and...

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Disciplining with heart

Disciplining with heart

Posted By on May 1, 2017

Discipline with heart – compassion wins co-operation Wouldn’t it be great to shout at our kids less, while actually getting them to co-operate more? Instead of constantly nagging and feeling frustrated, when we discipline with heart something magical happens. With less effort, we achieve more! It’s an approach that relates to your child’s (as well as your own) feelings, while speaking clearly and firmly about what’s expected at...

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Video : Importance of words – what you say and how you say it counts! Carol speaks about the importance of our words and their effect on a child’s nervous system. Your positive words and the way you say them very important, even on your child’s nervous system. Psychologist Carol Surya explains why words count so much.  This short video clip explains why it’s important to choose your words wisely and also be...

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