In this free live Q&A I'll show You how every one of YOUR discipline dilemmas can easily be solved by applying ONE EASY secret formula.

Don’t waste another second feeling frustrated when your kids won't listen, trying to figure out what to say and do to get the co-operation you deserve !

Let me teach you :

  • the secret discipline formula - essential for today's kids
  • 4 easy steps (to apply this formula daily)
  • how to ensure that your children feel heard, listen to you and actually want to co-operate
  • how to feel better about disciplining while improving your relationship with them

Fri 1st Sept 8.30 am (GST+2)

Learn how to discipline without constantly nagging, getting overwhelmed or ending up feeling guilty.

Join this FREE live webinar & learn the secret to guilt-free, calm, connected & confident parenting.

You really deserve a calm, happy, co-operative household and conscious tools to uplift your kids - without constant dramas.

And I'm committed to helping you get it!

See Stephanie has to say about the program


    Over the last 27 years a psychologist, I've discovered a winning formula to help todays parents change from nagging, overwhelm and guilt to calm, co-operative and confident disciplining.
    The more you apply my easy formula, the calmer you AND your kids become. I've helped thousands of parents just like you with my talks, workshops, programs, parenting book and children's self esteem game.
    You see, I believe in You - and your child's potential ! And I've learnt that anyone can get the calm household they deserve - as long as they understand some basic principles and apply the secret formula.